Friday, December 20, 2013


Some people are so rude. We have a driveway that is on an angle. It is very hard for us to enter our garage if people park too close. We have paid the city for a red zone that says people can not park in the four feet near our driveway. Occasionally (more often than we like) people park their cars in the red zone. If we are home we ask them (politely at first) to not park there.

Tonight we were babysitting the kids Brenda used to nanny.  Some lady pulled into the red zone and began to park. Brenda leaned out the window and said "you can't park there it is a red zone".  The woman said something like "I won't be long" and Brenda explained we are babysitting and the parents are coming soon to pick up their children and need to park in my driveway.  The lady didn't move. So I went outside and waited for her to get out of her car.  (Mind you we have two sleeping toddlers and two barking dogs inside.)  Once she got out of the car I told her she had to move her car. She then did my favorite thing. She went to the back of her car and looks at my driveway/garage and tells me I have enough room to get my car in and out despite the fact that the city has given me a red zone because I can't get in and out when people park too close to my driveway.  I proceed to tell her that it is a red zone and if she leaves her car it will be towed.  She then asks who I think I am. Then tells me I don't own the whole block.  No, I say, but I own the red zone since I pay for it. She then calls me a c**t. I tell her Merry F***ing Christmas. She then replies FU.

It was a lovely encounter. Brenda went down and got her license plate and 30 seconds later she moved her car.  

What happened to Good Will Toward Men?  'Tis the Season? 

Until tomorrow...

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