Saturday, October 19, 2013


Okay, I am going to be writing about rats. So if you have heard enough, I understand.

Since I have been sick, today I went out back for the first time in a few days. Out back means I have to go out on the deck and downstairs to get to the backyard. First I fed the fish. Then I noticed a dead rat. Yuck!  It was just laying there in the dirt. I went inside and got a shovel and a bag.  I put the rat in the bag. 

In the time that it took for me to get those supplies, another rat appeared. This rat was in the last hours of life. It was dying near a third rat that looked like it had been there for a day. They were all young but not babies. I am assuming they got into my neighbors rat bait. Once I got the bodies in a bag, I washed down the whole backyard. 

On another note, my fever has not retreated. I went out for a short trip today to get mail and buy bread. 

Until tomorrow...

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