Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I called the hospital again today and got another "we are waiting for authorization" phone call.  This is getting a bit ridiculous.  Who do they need to talk to to get authorization?  Give me their phone number, I will call them.  I don't really want to go through another weekend without getting this MRI.  It has been a week.  I know that is not a long time but when someone tells you you may have something really wrong, a week is a LONG time.  I just want a clear answer.

Hopefully tomorrow I will have some more information!

The fevers are continuing.  That is not making me happy either.

Weight Update: 180.3 yes, my weight has increased.  The happy news just continues.

Until tomorrow...


  1. It is your primary dr, or who ever ordered the MRI to get the auth. It truly only takes a minute but people are lazy and don't want to do it because it takes a few minutes. Call the office and ask to talk to office manager and explain the situation. It will get taken care of that quick. I worked in medice for years and got auths all the time. Good luck. Hope this helps.

    1. Thanks!! I am getting the MRI through the hospital and their authorization office is the SLOWEST ever! I call them every day to try to move it along but to no avail. Every day they say I am sure it will come through tomorrow. I know it takes just a minute but this office just sucks! Never again. Thanks for your help.


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