Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I get these great ideas for blog posts.  I actually wrote the posts in my head.  The posts are so funny and witty.  Interesting and full of facts.  The posts are usually written in the shower or in the car. 

Then I get home and the dogs need to be fed and the mail gets read.  I get changed and I eat something.  Do you think I remember one idea that I had in the shower or in the car?  Not a thing. 

I was going to get a tape recorder to use in the car because I think of great things and so many things I need to do or remember.  Then I get home and the world happens and I forget all those great ideas.

I just wish I could remember the idea I had in the car today.  It was a great blog post.  You would have loved it. 

Medical update: My potassium is low again this month.  My RA doctor is very concerned.  She wants me to talk to my Primary.  I guess low potassium is medically serious.  Who knew?  I need more bananas...

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain! If I don't jot down, tell a friend or most commonly, send myself an email with a title that will jog my memory about the topic, it's gone by the time I sit down at the computer.

    Sometimes, when I'm in the car and I'm anxiously waiting for a long stop light so I can quickly pull out my phone, send myself an email with something like "granola and pears" or some other memory jogger, I just chant the blog topic to myself so I won't forget it.

    One time, when I had a really great idea and I was stuck on a highway, I started singing the topic into a little tune. How embarrassing is that?


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