Sunday, September 2, 2012


This weekend I watched a program, well part of a program, on happiness.  It was titled The Happiness Advantage with Shawn Achor on PBS and is a #1 best selling book. I don't usually watch these kind of shows but I was taking a bath and I had time to kill while the tub filled up and then I kept watching while I got dressed.  He had some interesting things to say.  Some of it, even he admitted, was common sense.   Happier people are healthier and worked harder.  Duh...  His point is that happiness actually fuels success not the other away around.  You will not be happy when you get that promotion, new house, new car, better health, or make more money.  You have to be happy first!  Then the rest will come.

Have you ever been around a really miserable person?  I have.  She always has some ailment or some problem.  A flu or cold or something.  She was just miserable to be around.

This is not to say that all ill people are miserable.  I know lots of ill people who are so upbeat. But I am off track.

It was just interesting hearing him talk about and remind me of how my attitude effects not only my health but those around me.  My toxicity effects others.  I mean who wants to be around someone who is toxic?  His whole plan is 5 steps to make you a happier person.  Of course I was taking my bath when he explained the 5 steps but he spoke of them at the end.  Things like a gratitude journal, doing nice things for others, etc.  Things that would make you realize why you should be happy. 

I found myself happy and laughing listening to him.  Sometimes it is important to be reminded to be happy and show that happiness.  If this program is on again, I will try to watch the whole program. 

He also spoke about how to imprint a routine.  I am sure you have heard it takes 21 days to make a routine. I have been struggling with a task that I hate doing but that I should do each and every day; keeping track of my time as a consultant.  If I don't, I have to do it all at the end of the month and this is a problem. I forget tasks that I did (which means that I don't bill my clients for things and that means less money in my pocket) and I have to spend hours invoicing my clients at the end of the month.  A whole weekend is wasted doing this task.  I have been really struggling with trying to figure out how to create a routine so I will do this every day.  Shawn had a great idea on how to figure out the barrier and knock down that barrier in order to imprint that task.  I am going to give it a try this week.

Happy Labor Day!!

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I so agree. I've always believed that happiness breeds more happiness. It's not always easy to obtain that happiness, but if you can get there, it's easier to stay there.

    Easier said than done? So true, especially when you're uncomfortable, in pain, sad because of life events, or worse, depressed.

    I've been there for all of those reasons. No matter how deep the well of unhappiness, there's always a ladder somewhere. It may be a long climb, but it gets lighter as we get closer to the top.


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