Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I have been going to physical therapy (PT) every week for a month and a half.  My ankle is better and I have been able to walk the dogs around the block.  I can also walk for a few blocks without having any pain.  I think my RA has slowed down the progress of the PT.  Most mornings I can't last the whole 45 minutes of PT.  I can't do most of the exercises that require hip movement. 

It frustrates me a bit that I can't use the whole PT time.  That I can't do more exercises at PT.  But I try to give myself a break and know that it is better for me spend less time at PT and more time without pain. 

At least my flare has subsided, not gone away but not as bad as it was. 

Today I made this great corn, zucchini, tomato salad.  It is a raw salad that tastes fabulous!  Very refreshing.  If you have extra corn laying around and you don't know what to do with it, this is a great way to use it up.

Today's weight: 179.1  Lost weight!

Until tomorrow...


  1. Bravo on the weight loss, Adrienne!

    You're doing the best you can on the PT, so don't sweat that too much. As long as you keep doing it each day, you'll progress, even if it's slower than you'd like. You've come a long way in a pretty short time, really.

    That salad looks delicious. Is there any sort of dressing on it? Vinegar and oil, etc?

    Have a great day! Only a couple more until the weekend!

  2. Thanks for the good words Wren.

    The salad has a dressing made from olive oil, white wine vinegar, honey, lime juice and pepper. it is SO tasty!


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