Friday, September 7, 2012


I went to see my primary doctor today. He seems to feel that my calf issue may be some rubbing left over from my cast. He says it is common for people with casts to get pain and hard spots where the cast rubbed their leg.

He said the ankle doc is doing her due diligence by crossing all the Ts and sending me for an MRI. It is good to get it checked out.

No word yet from the hospital about the MRI appointment. I need to follow-up on Monday.

Until tomorrow...


  1. Thank goodness for the voice of calm. :) Thank goodness for your quiet, pragmatic GP. Fingers are crossed that your sore calf is from the cast, not some other problem.

    Have a restful and restorative weekend, Adrienne.

  2. I kept busy this weekend and tried not to think about it too much. I just want to get the MRI and have it be done with! My GP is a really good guy.


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