Saturday, March 10, 2012

How Full is My Glass?

A few people have mentioned that I have not been my usual positive self about my upcoming surgery. I don't feel like I am being negative but folks have been pointing out that I seem less than upbeat about this medical situation.  A little glass half empty.
You see I have not had the best experiences with past surgeries. My recovery times have been long and I have a history of secondary infections. So any surgery makes me concerned.
I don't think my hesitation about surgery is negativity. It is nervousness. I want to have the surgery and recover quickly so I can get back to work. 
I don't see myself as anything as glass half full about this surgery. I know it will make me feel better and make the pain go away. I am not looking forward to April 5th but when it comes I will be my upbeat self.  I may even wear my tiara!


  1. I wonder why people expect us to be happy and gleeful about having our bodies sliced open, rummaged around in and sewn back up? Particularly when the RA meds we take make us so vulnerable to dangerous infections? I think your reaction to your upcoming surgery is pragmatic, brave and forward-looking. You're doing it for the relief of pain and the future benefits it will incur. What's to criticize?

    Hoping your weekend has been restful and enjoyable... :)

    1. You are so sweet Wren! I think you are right, sometimes folks don't understand. My dad had knee surgery and went golfing three or four days later! When I had knee surgery and, well you don't want to hear my story, no one would want knee surgery ever again! Let's leave it that I was not up and walking in three to four days or three to four weeks! Of course I now know I probably had undiagnosed RA. Thanks Wren!


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