Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dogs Don't Have Watches

Dogs don't understand Daylight Savings Time.  Neither do babies.  But I am writing about dogs because I have dogs.  My dogs (Lucky and Happi) do not get it.  Especially this year.  Why this year you ask?  Because usually winter is dark and gloomy which makes the dogs think 7 am is still night time so they sleep late.  This year the west coast has not had a usual winter so the sun rises at 6:45 am and it is sunny and bright.  Not that I am complaining!  My lovely Lucky and Happi get up and think the day has begun.

You see, dogs don't have watches.  They don't know how to read time so they use the sun. When the sun rises the dogs rise and want to eat.  When the sun hits a certain spot in the sky, it is feeding time.  They don't understand that the governments of the world have decided to have this thing called Daylight Savings Time.  They just know it when it is feeding time, waking time, and time to go to sleep.

So, each year we turn our clocks back and the dogs get so confused because the sun says it is feeding time and they are told they have to wait.  They sit by their bowl and cry and bark: Please feed me!  In our house we tell them to get some puppy watches because they have to wait a whole hour until 5 pm.  If we feed them too early then in the morning, they wake me too early to eat breakfast.

Today we turned our clocks forward and those pesky pups woke me at 6:45 am (before the clocks were turned) to tell me the sun was up and it was time to eat.  I got them to lay down for about 45 more minutes but then the crying and whining became unbearable and I got up to feed them and change all the clocks.  Starting tomorrow I wonder what time they will be waking me up?  If the clocks get turned forward does the sunrise come earlier or later?  Bollocks, will I be waking up even earlier until the sunrise gets later?  I guess I will be seeing some great sunrises!  

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