Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Worst Night Of Sleep Ever

I don't know if it was Daylight savings Time or the cup of tea I had or the stress I am under or what but I could not sleep last night. First, I could not go to sleep. I was working and then I realized it was 12 am. I went to bed. I let out the dogs and turned on tv like every other night. Next thing I knew it was 1:30 am. I have to be up at 7:30 am. I turn off the tv and closed my eyes. Nothing.
Nothing happens. I may have dosed off for a few minutes but then I have to get up and pee. This goes on all night. Dose for a few bit then get up to pee.
This is not like me. Normally I can get up in the middle of the night and go back to bed and fall back to sleep. Oh, sometimes I have bouts of insomnia but not like last night. I usually have problems falling asleep because I am thinking too much. I can solve that by reading or putting on some boring tv show that lulls me to sleep.
Last night was different. Like I got some kind of energy shot. Maybe it was the tea. Maybe it had caffeine in it. I will check that out. I don't normally drink caffeine.  Meanwhile wish me luck keeping my eyes open and my brain in the game!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! If you don't usually drink caff, then that was likely your problem last night. And the DST change probably had its malevolent effect, too. Takes a week or so for the body-clock to readjust. Spring is always harder for me than Fall when it comes to the clock change. How about you?


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