Monday, March 19, 2012


Have you ever said something to someone and it is misunderstood? Something so innocent. The other day I said something to someone, I will call him John. very casually, with no malice. Then yesterday I found out John heard something totally different. What John told a middle person I said just blew me out of the water! It was a whole story using words I never said and would never say.
Did John make it up? Or did he really just mishear what I said? And if John misheard me, did he put his slant on it? His bias? Because what he said I said, is not what I said.
Well, I have learned my lesson. I will be VERY careful around John in the future. I will be cordial and not say much else. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! You have won the Liebster Blog Award. You can find out more on my blog! Thank you for all that you do for our online community :-)


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