Friday, December 23, 2011

Da-hoo Doray, Da-hoo Doray!

Just sitting here watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas.  The Jim Carrey version not the animated version.  I watched the animated version two nights ago.  "Maybe Christmas means a little bit more."  "Max, help me, I'm feeling!"  "The Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day."  So many great lines.  Jim Carrey overacting.

Of course the movie is all about commercialism and how Christmas is about being together as a family or community and not about the ribbons and bows and presents.  In our small family, Christmas is about getting together with friends and welcoming those who can't be with their families.  We try to buy locally and with some thought though the year and not in a horrible rush in the last few weeks.

I saw an article that talked about some pressing Whoville issues: Are the Who's of Whoville rude?  What if a Who in Whoville was a vegetarian?  What would they eat? What if a Who can't sing in tune?

Are the Who's rude?  The Who's made a lot of noise and bothered the Grinch.  They were noisy neighbors.  But did that give him the right to steal all their toys, trees, decorations, etc.?  No, I don't think so.  He should have gone to the town council or something.  If it only happens one day a year, he should just put up with it.  Come on, one day a year.  Suck it up!

What if a Who is a vegetarian?  Since the Who's eat roast beast, I have never heard them say they were serving roast tofu so I think any vegetarian Whos are out of luck during the big feast.  They may need to bring their own tofu to the feast.

What if a Who can't sing in tune?  I can't say I would notice since the words aren't even real words: Dahoo Doray.

What does Dahoo Doray mean anyway? I think it means "Welcome Christmas" in the made up Dr. Seuss language. Or it could mean "the Tree is on Fire", what would we know?

Just like the Who's and the Grinch, I hope your Christmas will mean just a little bit more this year!

2 Days Until Christmas


  1. I always loved the animated version. Haven't seen it in years, but remember Max and the overloaded sleigh the best...

    Thanks for the kind Christmas wish. May your day be lovely.


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