Friday, December 22, 2023


Last week I accidentally swallowed a chunk of tortilla chip. Now you may ask how that could happen. I was eating tortilla chips and chewed a bunch in my mouth, swallowed it and then realized I hadn't chewed one piece. The tortilla chip was in my esophagus and as the day went on I could feel the tortilla chip going down my esophagus. I of course googled it, and found out that drinking a can of soda can help move the impediment along. I could still eat and drink but I could feel the tortilla chip.

Before you say how could you possibly do that, it is more common than you think. In fact I met someone today who had done the same thing.

The pain in my esophagus was where's the next day and then the third day it started to feel better. I ate some actual food and not just soft food. On Tuesday it started to feel worse. Much worse. So I called the doctor and I got an appointment for today to have an endoscopy.

So this morning I went and had an endoscopy done. The endoscopy showed everything was fine and my esophagus and just to be on the safe side my doctor took some biopsies. So either the chip made a little tear and it healed already or something else is going on. I suspect that the chip has triggered my costochondritis. That is inflammation that goes into your chest rib cage from different reasons including trauma.

Anyway, that was the majority of my day. I was lucky that a friend could pick me up from the endoscopy and drive me home. We sat and talked for about 2 hours when I got home because I hadn't seen him in person since 2020.

Moral of the story make sure you chew your tortilla chips.

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I may have a paper clip in my throat from 1968. Janet walked up just as I was about to take it out and I swallowed it. Since i never saw it come out, if must still be in inside? One never knows for sure.

    Oh you know Janice? The best looking 7th grade school girl on my street. Of course she was the only 7th grade girl on my street. Oh yeah totally worth it to swallow a paperclip.


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