Monday, December 18, 2023


 Things in my life are a little crazy right now. Work is constant, my car is gone to be fixed (maybe?), Lucky is a lot right now and Christmas. Then today it rained. We need the rain but I was not amused. 

I am currently typing on my old laptop (the one I spilled hot tea on) downstairs. I have to use a detached keyboard since some of the keys are not working 100%. It makes is good for a second (backup) computer. I am happy the laptop is still usable. I was worried it was going to be toast. 

Today a package arrived at my home when it was supposed to go to the east coast. It was quite a surprise when it arrived. Now I have to wrap it and ship it myself. It may have been their fault or it may have been mine. I shipped a bunch of packages (big family) and heard I made a mistake on another package's address as well.

I have been meeting with my meditation group four days a week but something always distracts me during the meditation. Dog, work, foster kid...  I need to work harder on practicing my meditation time. Meditating really helped focus me in my work. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I will send you a 45 year old son. We are keeping the grandchildren, but the son is all yours. I promise that will brighten up my celebration.


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