Friday, June 3, 2022


 So glad it is Friday. It was a busy week. I wanted to get some baking in but alas, I didn't get any time to bake. This weekend I will. I owe my neighbor some goodies for putting air in my car's tires.  I found out he has a portable pump and he had me drive over and he put the air in my tires. The car feels better already.

I started watching Season 4 of Stranger Things but I realized I didn't remember the end of Season 3 so now I am re-watching the last few episodes of season 3. They don't look familiar so I wonder if I fell asleep and never saw them. 

I made Baked Seasoned Garbonzo Beans. They are really good. I took garbonzo beans and rinsed them. Then I put them in a bowl with some oil and some spices and mixed it all up. Then I put it all on a baking sheet and baked them on 350 degrees for 20 minutes. The garbonzo beans stayed a bit soft and got spicy. They were delicious. 

Until tomorrow...


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