A blog about my life with rheumatoid arthritis and all that goes along with it. The ups and downs. The highs and lows. The laughter and the tears. Sounds so dramatic, doesn't it?!
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Maybe next week it will finally get fixed. I can hope!
Until tomorrow...
Monday, February 27, 2017
It was a good time. Just the right amount of politics and humor. It had just enough glamour.
Until tomorrow...
Sunday, February 26, 2017
We all talked about where we were in the process and speculated how long we would have to wait to get a child.
Until tomorrow...
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Until tomorrow...
Friday, February 24, 2017
I went to see the play A Thousand Splendid Suns tonight with my friend S. It was really good. It was almost just like the book. The actors were so awesome.
Until tomorrow...
Thursday, February 23, 2017
- Piper about a little piper bird learning to eat.
- Pear Cider and Cigarettes is an adult animation about a guy who needs a kidney.
- Pearl is about a musician who gives it all up for his daughter so she can be all she can be.
Until tomorrow...
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Until tomorrow...
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
It is all done and I am finally able to invoice my clients again. Hooray!
Until tomorrow...
Monday, February 20, 2017
Until tomorrow...
Sunday, February 19, 2017
The second game was also a card game. Everyone gets two cards. Each of the cards has directions on it. When it is your turn, you play one of the cards and have another player do what it says. Then you get another card. The last players show their cards. The cards all have numbers on them and the highest number wins and gets a little red heart. The person with the most hearts at the end wins. It moves pretty fast.
It was a fun night.
Until tomorrow...
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Then we made areas: a place to put gardening items, a place to put my ping pong table, and a place to put the boxes of taxes. Now I can see and be in my exercise area again. I even found a VCR that someone gave me years ago. It works! I can use my yoga tapes again.
My helper had parked her car in my driveway when she arrived. Many of my friends park there due to a lack of parking in my area. Halfway through our cleaning out, my neighbor rang my doorbell. My helper answered the door and I was down in the garage. My neighbor spoke to my helper but I could not hear what was said. By the time I got outside my helper was in her car and the neighbor was saying something to her. My helper said "you don't have to be so rude". I jumped in and tried to find out what was going on. Turns out my neighbor wanted her to move her car claiming he can't get his car out. As the conversation went on he told me that "You will not park your car in the driveway anymore" because he can not get his car out of his driveway. I told him the previous owner got his car out by doing a K turn. He said he has a larger car. I told him I was going to park my car there if I need to and he could ring the bell and ask me to move it if he found it impossible to get his car out. He then told me that he would back his car out and if I found a dent, well... He also said he would call the police if I parked my car there. Good luck getting the police to come out for car parking situation. Then he said "If you park your car there again, I will hit it."
The conversation just deteriorated after that about the security light on my house and how I am not friendly anymore. Blah, Blah.
So much for being neighborly.
Until tomorrow...
Friday, February 17, 2017
Today was the day I went to the shredding company. I had 5 boxes of shredding. Old bank statements, checks, taxes, work papers, etc. All needed to be shredded. I also had a hard drive from an old computer. They are all in little pieces. The guy at the shredding company is starting to recognize me since I have been there three times in the last three years. We are both from the East Coast and currently live in the same area. He is a very nice guy. I have referred his company many times.
It feels great to get those boxes out of the house. More things gone. The next thing to get rid of is the e-waste. I am glad I didn't get rid of it already since my new cordless keyboard is not working and I had to hook up my old keyboard. Sometimes it is good to keep some of that old stuff around just in case.
Until tomorrow...
Thursday, February 16, 2017
There were no new children that were right for me this time. It is will just take patience.
Until tomorrow...
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
At noon today there was a coyote walking down the street. At noon. I thought they were nocturnal animals. So scary.
I got a new door today. It looks awesome!
Until tomorrow...
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Well, I finally turned on my new desktop computer. I was waiting for the right time. Today was it.
The first thing I wanted to do was install antivirus software. That is when I realized my cordless keyboard is not working. I could not get the password to type in the box. Then it would type but it kept saying it was the wrong password. Ergh.
I finally went and got my old keyboard and plugged it in and voila!
I got a text from my neighbor asking if I wanted to come over for Chinese food for Valentine's Day. I heated up some vegan food and headed over. It was a single persons Valentine's day. They had a bunch of food and desserts. There was great conversation and laughs. Considering I woke up and forgot it was Valentine's Day, I had a nice day.
Until tomorrow...
Monday, February 13, 2017
Just one day I would like to wake up and find no news alerts telling me something has happened. Wouldn't that be nice??
Until tomorrow...
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Backstory: My bathroom was supposed to have radiant heat in the floor when it was constructed. Due to a mistake by my contractor, the radiant heat doesn't work. The bedroom is next to the bathroom and the bedroom has heat so the bathroom is not freezing. The whole downstairs is about 10 degrees cooler than the rest of the house because it is basically underground.
Currently: On really cold and rainy days I use a radiator type space heater to make the downstairs warm. Problem is I can't sleep with it on because they get very hot and they aren't safe. I bought this new type of wall heater called an Envi. It is safe because it never gets hot. I don't have to worry about dogs or anything else burning themselves on it.
Today my neighbor came and installed it for me. I turned it on and by the time I went to sleep it was toasty downstairs. Not super hot but just enough to cut the freeze. I could leave it on all night and it was cozy in my bathroom and bedroom.
Can't wait to go to bed tonight.
Until tomorrow...
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Most of the time it was easy and fun. The hardest part was when we had to kneel for about 15-20 minutes. It felt like an hour. My knees are not meant for kneeling. My ankles and knees were in so much pain. We were packed in so close that there was no where for me to go. I just closed me eyes and thought of happy thoughts. When I stood up, it took a few moments for the blood to flow back to my feet.
I met some very nice women and we hung out the whole time.
In the evening I went to dinner with my friend S. Thai food was just what I needed. Yum!
Until tomorrow...
Friday, February 10, 2017
Thursday, February 9, 2017
I had a super good time. I had my sparkly daubber and I had 9 bingo sheets. I tried to win a trip on a fire boat. I ended up running into a woman from my Foster/adoption class. We had a good time catching up.
Can't wait for the next Drag Queen Bingo!
Until tomorrow...
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Then I went to my primary doctor. First I was told I have tennis elbow. Funny I don't play tennis! He heard what happened when I had the heart palpitations and then in the ER. Then I told him my opinion that I was not dehydrated and that there was something else wrong. He looked at the medical records from the ER and low and behold, the tests showed I was not dehydrated. Ha! I was low on potassium.
The doctor sent me out for some blood tests to see what else is going on. He thinks there is something else going on. I think he will get to the bottom of it. He did give me some good advice: If the heart racing happens again, lay down. I don't want to fall and get a concussion or knock out my teeth.
Until tomorrow...
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
The doctor said to not wear the brace on her wrist and it is working out better. Her back has not been bothering her and neither has her wrist. She has just been a happy pup. She can't wait to go for a walk each day and gives me an unhappy look if we can't go out.
Until tomorrow...
Monday, February 6, 2017
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Friday, February 3, 2017
I bought a HDMI cord and I think this is the last thing I need to buy.
Until tomorrow...
Thursday, February 2, 2017
- raccoon
- eggret
- skunk
- hawk
- coyote
- rat
In the afternoon I went to a family fair for foster/adoptive parents. I got to meet social workers and see profiles of kids. I saw one profile that I am interested in. I can't spill the beans about the child but I am interested to hear more. The social worker wanted to hear more about me which is a good thing.
Until tomorrow...
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
I have put a Plan B in place. You know what I mean. I have another person waiting in the wings just in case my friend's life change takes my friend out of town or in another direction. I don't want to be left hanging.
Now, here is my question: How do I tell my friend that I have a Plan B? I have to tell him at some point that I have a substitute. I could just wait until my friend is not available and then call the Plan B person and that is an organic transition.
I just can't wait around for my friend to let me know one day that a month long trip to Katmandu is planned for next week and I am up a creek.
But I also don't want to lose a friend. My friend must understand that I can't wait around forever for my friend to figure out life.
Anyway, any ideas will be regarded.
Until tomorrow...