Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I Told You So

At what point can you say "I told you so"?  Is it when the MRI states there is evidence that you had a stress fracture in your ANKLE all along?  I will take a step back for those of you who are new to my ankle story.

Last April I had a mishap with my ankle.  Okay, maybe it should be called a misstep with my ankle.  I hurt it getting out of a hotel bed at some ungodly hour in the morning in order to go on a balloon ride.  After hurting it did I go on the balloon ride?  H*ll yeah!  I was not missing the best balloon ride ever.  Even if I had to stand on one foot.

I went to a doctor, we will call him Dr. Bozo, and he put me in a brace thing for MONTHS.  I asked him to get an MRI and he told me that it would be denied.  He said he would not push for it because I didn't need it.  It was not fractured but just a pulled ligament.  Blah, blah, blah.

It has been almost a year now and I am still in pain.  Today I got a MRI thanks to my lovely podiatrist and already got the report.  Have you ever read a MRI report?  I am not sure many of the words are even English.  I had to Google 40% of them.  Finally the doctor called and deciphered the report for me.

Adrienne - get to the bottom line!  Some would say it is good news and others would say it is bad.  Depends on your outlook, glass half full or half empty.  I am neither on this issue.  In a bit I will explain why.  The bottom line is I need surgery to repair a severely torn anteroinferior tibiofibular ligament and calcaneofibular ligament.   It will be a Modified Brostrom Gould procedure.  There is also fluid within the sinus tarsi and bone marrow edema of the cuboid.  Sounds so appetizing.  (See badly marked diagram)

Luckily it is not an emergency surgery so I can take my time and plan this out.  I will be in a cast for 6 weeks and then 6 weeks more for physical therapy.   I hear it takes 3-6 months to have a full recovery.  Such wonderful things to look forward to.  Of course the surgery will make the pain go away so that is a good thing, right?!  It will make the pain go away after some much more intense pain.  But it also means that my chances of having to get an ankle replacement years down the road lessens.  That is good news.

So, I still ask when can I say "I told you so"?  Can I call the doctor up and say, "See, I was right!  You missed it."?  I know it is enough that I am getting my ankle fixed.  I just have this need to say it.


  1. Adrienne, I'm glad you finally have a solid diagnosis on that ankle, and that there's a plan in place to repair it before too much more time passes.

    It's got to be incredibly frustrating to be blown off the way that doctor did you. I think you should, at least, write and tell him about this--maybe he won't be so quick to dismiss some other patient's complaints and requests. He needs a generous dose of humility.

    Wishing you the best and sending a double measure of calm and patience your way.


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