Thursday, February 16, 2012

Decision Made

I finally made a decision about the conference, we are not going. I want to go but I am worried about my foot and this re-occurrence of pain in my ankle. The costs for this trip keep stacking up and since I didn't buy the airline tickets early, they are quite expensive. The conference costs as well as the hotel. So, with a these considerations, we decided to postpone until next year and plan earlier. Maybe next year the conference will not be the week of Easter/spring break and will be less expensive. Cheaper as they say!

The stress has been lifted. Making this decision has been like a rock weighing me down. Now that we decided to stay home, poof, I am light as a feather. Maybe we can go visit one of my relatives who lives closeby instead. Just an overnight trip.

We have a hot tub that has been dormant since we had some construction done on our house and I would love to get it working again. We could work on that instead. I would love to soak in a hot tub. A bath is good but doesn't quite do it for me. In a hot tub I am submerged in the hot water and the air is cold. Wonderful!

I also just got a new client and the thought of traveling right now was stressing me out. I like to be available for my clients especially in the beginning. I would have had to work on the vacation most likely anyway. There, it has been decided! No vacation for now.


  1. Hot tub! I say put the cash into that! I think conferences can be great but who can afford them right now? And for people with chronic illness that is like asking us to Rob Peter to pay Paul.


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