Saturday, June 1, 2024


Miss Vivien Butterfly has found her forever home. Her foster mother dropped her off. She is the sweetest girl. She reminds me of Happi, my dog who died right before COVID lockdown. I can pet her anywhere, pick her up and I get kisses from her. 

I spent the day with Miss Vivien Butterfly. I wanted her to feel comfortable. We went on four walks and, boy is she a walker! I was told to take it easy with her but she kept walking. 

At night I let her up on my bed for a little bit for pets and snuggles. Then I put her in her bed. Next thing I hear is a noise where my shoes were. She was trying to get closer to me and my shoes were next to the bed. I moved my shoes and put her bed next to my bed. She snuggled down and went to sleep. 

I am happy she is here. 

Until tomorrow...

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