Sunday, June 2, 2024


Miss Vivien Butterfly and I got up early and after breakfast, we went for a hike. I was prepared too only go a short distance, but Miss Vivien Butterfly had other ideas. She is a walker. A little Energizer dog. The hike was almost 2 miles and other than two water breaks, she walked the whole way. Okay I had to put her in "air jail" for a short stretch because she kept wanting to go on protected lands where there were foxtails. With her long hair, foxtails are no joke.  She saw the ocean for the first time, probably, in her life. 
After the hike, Miss Viv wanted to walk more. I needed to find a bathroom, so we went home. She collapsed once we got inside. 

I had the gardener come by and clean up the backyard after my month away. 

I watched a live broadcast of Kinky Boots on Broadway. That was fun. Great theatre without leaving you couch.  That is one thing I miss from the lockdown. I enjoyed seeing productions, movies and other things from my home. No driving or taking transportation. No losing your ticket. No running late and hoping they will still let me in. No overpriced food. And, I have my own snacks, food and drink choice. 

Until tomorrow...

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