Thursday, June 20, 2024


Today is Sunny the birds birthday. He is 15 years old. When I look at Sunny I don't see a bird that's older than eight or nine. He looks quite young. He is now such a seasoned traveler that he's going to come with me on my next trip. 

Here's the story of how I got Sunny. 16 years ago my bird Baby passed away at the age of 17 years old. After a few months I went down to the bird store to look at other birds. I was told that they had baby cockatiels that were just born. I could pick out a baby bird and come every week to hold the bird to bond with the bird. They told me this is the best way to have a bird bond with you from birth. Each week I went down and held the bird. I came up with many names for the bird; jokingly one of them was frog. I can't remember now why but I think it had to do with the way the bird looked. 

Anyway I went week after week for a couple of months to sit there for an hour and hold the little bird. The day that I was supposed to go and pick up the bird because he was ready to go home with me, I got a phone call that he died. So now within months of each other I had two birds die. I was devastated. 

The bird store told me I could get my money back or I can get another bird. They felt horrible with what happened. I could not make a decision at that time so I waited about 6-8 months to call them up and say I want to get another bird. 

The day I went to go get a bird I walked in the store and went over to the bird glass enclosure. There were probably 15 birds in this giant glass enclosure. Right as I walked up this little bird walked right up to the glass looked at me and just stood there. I said that's my bird. The woman at the store laughed. She said of all the birds you would pick this bird. This bird has an overgrown lower beak. He's considered disabled because his lower beak juts out over his top beak. I said I don't care I'll take this bird because obviously he needs a home. They said not to worry they'd help me take care of his lower beak. I called him Sunshine after a dark period with birds. For short I call him Sunny. 

That is how Sunny came to live with me. Happy birthday Sunny!

Until tomorrow...

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