Monday, June 3, 2024


This morning Miss Vivien Butterfly went to her first vet appointment. She was all excited to get in the car for the drive to the office. I got there early so we could walk around. Other than a little crying she did well at her appointment. It turns out she has some allergies on her paw, ears and buttocks. The vet thinks it was probably a bit of fleas in her previous home. She was so matted she had to be shaved. He gave her some medicine for her ears and a shot for the rest. She also had to go back in the cone to keep from licking. 

I was happy to hear she was in excellent health for an 8 year old pup. 

I've been a bit down after my trip. Even planning a new trip is not helping. I'm not depressed but just let down. We'll see if it passes. 

Until tomorrow...

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