Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Today started out regular. I was happy to not have construction workers in my house for the first time in a while. The door they put in looks great. They just have to come back and finish some painting of the trim on the outside and a little bit of painting on the inside. 

This afternoon I got bored and started booking campgrounds for my next trip. It's amazing how far in advance people will book campgrounds. But I got a site in every Campground but one. That one is switching hands tomorrow so I have to go on tomorrow reserve a campsite. 

Then in the evening instead of meditating I started looking at another trip that I'm going to take late in the year. I'm trying to figure out how much that would cost. With the van rental, the campgrounds, the gas and propane. I want to see if I can do another trip before the end of the year. I heard a lot of places the week of Thanksgiving and the week after Thanksgiving are less expensive.

Until tomorrow...

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