Saturday, June 22, 2024


It is hot.🔥🥵

It is 110 degrees today. I'm hot just sitting still. My godmother has the thermostat at 75 degrees. 75! I'm sweating. Then the dog wants to go for a walk but I can't let her because she could burn her feet. We went for a walk at 9 pm when the temperature dropped to 85. 

The funniest thing happened. My godmother has a house with a doggie door from the previous owners. The doggie door goes from the kitchen to the garage, then it goes from the garage to the shed area, then it goes from the shed area to the backyard. We decided to show Miss Vivien butterfly how to from the kitchen to the garage and out to the backyard. So we showed her the first door then the second door then the third door one time. 

My godmother's kids came over and suddenly I'm looking for the dog. Wouldn't you know it she figured out how to get out through all those little doors to get to the backyard! Unfortunately she couldn't figure out how to come back because no one had shown her so she was out in this horrible heat in the backyard. We all marveled on how smart she was. 

Until tomorrow...

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