Sunday, June 23, 2024


This was my first trip with my new electric car. I do have to admit I went into it with a little bit of trepidation. I hadn't quite figured out that much about charging the car, going to a charger, and how far the car can really go on a charge. I also was not sure about all of the technology in the car. 

I made it down to my godmother's with a little bit of stress and a couple of stops. Of course I had the dog so I had to stop every couple of hours to let the dog out to pee. I even had to pee myself and I didn't want the dog to walk in the not so clean bathroom, so I carried the dog in and held her on my lap while I peed. It was a bit of a Cirque du Soleil move. 

Add another rest area I found that they had free charging for your electric car so I plugged in for a little bit. I texted my brother to tell him and he informed me it would be an extremely slow charge. 

Luckily my brother had planned out my trip for me and found me a charging station part way to my destination. It had a quite fast charger that took only 20 minutes on the way down. Unfortunately on the way back home, the charging stations were full so I had to wait 20 minutes to get a charging station and 20 minutes to charge the car in the horrible 100° heat. We sat under a tree in the parking lot waiting. 

Overall, the electric car is a smooth ride, fun to drive, has a lot of bells and whistles and the charging makes it interesting. 

Until tomorrow...

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