Sunday, June 16, 2024


Today was a busy day. First I got up early and went to a local old car show. My neighbor is part of it with his old restored cars. There are some very pretty old cars. It was near the beach so I brought along Miss Vivien Butterfly. I am not sure that she has ever been at a beach. She loved the sand and all the smells but was not too thrilled about the water. So we spent the time with her sniffing around the sand. 
Then I dropped Miss Vivien Butterfly off at home while I went to a conference/event where my brother and sister-in-law were. I entered into a world that I don't know much about. There was AI, robots, 3D printing, cosplay and so much more. It was incredibly fascinating to see so many people with such creative ideas and such passion. I ended up spending hours there including having lunch with my brother and my sister-in-law. It was a great day. 
Until tomorrow...

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