Thursday, September 21, 2023


Okay, the good news is that the COVID Vaccine was but as bad as previous vaccines in that I didn't have headache, fever and chills. I did wake up this morning and my shoulder felt like I was stabbed right through the bone. I couldn't lift my arm and anytime I moved I was in tremendous pain. It took until 7pm for the worst of the pain to stop. It still hurt but not as much.

Since I had this tremendous pain if I sneezed or laughed. I basically took a hot bath and said in my fairly new chair all day. 

I did attend a phone conference with my ex-foster kid. When we got off the call my ex-foster kid asked me if I wouldn't mind if he called me his foster mom. I had explained to him earlier that there are step- parents, bio parents, foster parents. I asked him if he was sure what he wanted to call me. He said foster mother. Okay then.

I am literally falling asleep while I am typing this.

Until tomorrow...


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