Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I remember as a kid how excited I was when spring came. I love to see flowers in bloom. When I was very young we had a large field behind our house that was part of a farm. The farm grew soybeans and always had wild flowers blooming. It is funny that I grew up next to a soybean field and I became a vegetarian. When I got older the farmer sold the field and houses were built. No more flowers.

When I was in college I was lucky enough to travel to Holland. It was in the spring when the tulips were blooming. Just field after field of tulips. One of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Imagine a whole field of white or red or pink. Beautiful!

When I got married the first time, I had lots of flowers. I have always felt that we have lots of flowers two times in our lives: weddings and funerals. Since I won't be around for my funeral, I had plenty of flowers at my wedding.

I try to by flowers when I can. They brighten up a room and a day!

Until tomorrow...

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