Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Taking On Too Much

Do you ever think you are taking on too much? Sometimes I do. Especially when I feel good. Also when I am bored.

Right now I am feeling pretty good. It maybe fleeting but today I feel okay. I have also been doing the same stuff for quite some time so I am a bit bored. I need to do something new. Feel needed and wanted.

I do some things besides work already. I am an Arthritis Ambassador. I am a block captain for my Neighborhood Watch. I am a part of the Neighborhood Emergency Response Team. They are all small commitments.

Tonight I spoke to someone about the possibility of joining a board of a nonprofit organization. I have been on boards before, one I liked and one that didn't work out. So I will see how it shakes out. It is not health related. It is safety related. That is also something I am passionate about. I believe people need to be prepared for disasters. Fire, hurricane, flood, earthquake, etc.

So when do you know you are taking on too much?

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately only when my joints start throbbing, my energy levels plummet to below zero and I am either in the midst of the commitment or done with it. Even after 14 years with ra I still can't get my prediction down on what I do will impact my illness. It can be soooo frustrating. And since ra is so unpredictable I sometimes avoid making commitments. I no longer make ones that require a regular daily or weekly commitment as this disease is just too unpredictable and I would hate to wig out on my word. My word is all I have left these days and is precious to me. Earlier on in my disease I found I was making too many commitments until I learned the hard way...flares.


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