Tuesday, August 22, 2023


Big news! For you regular readers, the complaint against me from a neighbor to the city, has been closed. It was decided that I did not need a permit. I sent the complainant a very nice email (since the city did not redact the email) thanking them for watching out for the neighborhood, telling him the complaint had no merit and maybe next time, come and talk to me first.  All very nice. And thank you, neighbor!

I have been sore for two days. I sort of tripped on the stairs over the weekend. I landed on my knees and my ankle hurt the first day now my thigh hurts. I think I strained something. I am sure it will be all better tomorrow. Doing qi gong on Monday did not help. It requires more stretching than tai chi. 

I had a meeting about my ex-foster kid today and gained a bunch of knowledge about housing after a foster kid turns 18 years old. 

My meditation group had another mishap tonight. Last night I had a post office delivery and an Amazon delivery AND I forgot to put my phone on DND and my foster kid texted me. All sorts of doorbells, pinging of the phone and dog barking is not relaxing.  Then tonight, no one attended but me, because the one person who was going to come had the wrong Zoom link. By the time we figured it out, she decided to skip tonight. I sent out a new zoom link to everyone. Meanwhile I had a very relaxing 30 minute meditation by myself! 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like most online groups I participate in. Somehow I end up going and staying and leaving alone. But look at it, I am a member of a group. Just saying. LOL


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