Friday, August 18, 2023


What a beautiful day! It started out in the park doing tai chi and qi gong. I walked Lucky on a long walk with the doggie stroller. I ate breakfast in the garden while reading my book. 

I spent time playing with my Oculus VR. I took a trip under the sea and played Beat Saber. It is a game where you have two light sabers and use them to virtually slash blocks. It is all done to music. It is quite fun. 

Then I had accupuncture and meditation. I started thinking about the time I am spending on self-care. I spend 3 hours on tai chi, 1 hour in accupuncture, 1 hour on PT, and 7 hours on meditation. I certainly feel better. I can now walk 6,700 steps a day. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. That is serious self care. Sometimes I stand up. But I cannot push it of course. LOL


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