Friday, August 11, 2023


I have these cards that are called mindfulness moment cards. In the morning I pull a card and it has a morning side of a mindfulness moment and then in the evening I flip it over and there's a night time mindfulness moment. This morning I pulled the card and it said "if you have a troublesome relationship take a step back. Be patient. Breathe. The solution may come from an unsuspecting place."  Wouldn't you know it today was a day that I was going to have a challenging conversation with someone. It was very serendipitous that I got this card. Before I had my challenging conversation I took three deep breaths and the challenging conversation went very well. I'm not saying that the card was magic but I am saying that by remembering to take deep breaths before I had this challenging conversation, it really affected how I reacted to the other person.

Today I went to my PCP for a check in. I love that she will spend an hour with me for a check in. Nothing too exciting to report but I need to work on my balance. No shock there. 

I went to the dentist to get a check on my braces. She said I am doing well and she is happy to have a compliant patient. I do my best! I should be done with my Invisilign trays in three weeks!

My friend in Hawaii and I spoke about a plan for my trip to Hawaii. We already have helicopter reservations. I may do ziplining. I'm thinking about it. I'm trying to be bold since I may not get back to Hawaii for a long time. I decided I am not going to night swim with the manta rays. I am sure it is cool but I am not a night swimmer. 

That is all the news today. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. the great thing about zip lining, is that you will always come down. Of course that can be said about most things. the trip sounds incredible. You should do the swim if you can go naked.


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