Wednesday, June 19, 2019


The insurance-company-who-must-not-be-named is giving my RA doctor a hard time about putting me on Orencia. 

If you have read this blog for any number of years or have gone back in time in my blog, you will see that I was on Enbrel for MANY years.  I began taking Enbrel when it first came on the market.  I paid tens of thousands of dollars to the makers of Enbrel over the years.  Enbrel cost about $1,300 every month.  Some months I had to pay the whole amount and other months I didn't have to pay anything depending on my insurance coverage at the moment. 

Then a few years ago I go a horrible headache and felt quite ill.  Then I felt horrible.  Then I felt like my head would explode.  I was rushed to the hospital by my neighbor, thank goodness.  I had meningitis.  I was in the hospital for 6 days.  Let me say that again 6 days. 

The staff in the hospital said it was probably from the Enbrel and I should not take it anymore. 

Now the insurance company is telling me I need to go back on Enbrel because they do not want to pay for Orencia.  My doctor is not strong enough to stand up to them.  They want proof that I have been on Enbrel and that I can't take it anymore. 

I say Can I send them my bill from the 6 days in the hospital??  Isn't that proof enough?  Why are they asking me for proof that I was on Enbrel?  Don't they have the proof of the tens of thousands of dollars that they spent when I was on Enbrel?  Can't they look in their file? 

Anyway, I am ready to give up on my doctor trying to get this drug.  I think I am going to have to do something if I am ever going to get on it.  Ergh...

Until tomorrow...

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