Tuesday, June 25, 2019


The painters have postponed until Friday.  They didn't show up today and asked if they could come tomorrow but I have to work tomorrow and Thursday so Friday it is.  I can't wait until the painting is over!! 

I took Happi to be checked yesterday.  She has been getting food stuck in her lower jaw when she eats.  I have to massage it out after each meal.  I got concerned that something sinister was going on so I took her in to get it checked out.  They think it is getting stuck where they took out her tooth last year or behind her last tooth.  They felt around and didn't feel anything. 

She has gained a pound so that is a good thing.  She was 20 pounds last week and she is 21+ pounds this week.  The kibble I bought seems to be working.  I just have to mush the wet food and kibble together or she picks out the kibble and only eats that.  So, you are asking why not feed her only the kibble?  The kibble gives her room clearing gas if she eats too much.  It is better if she eats a mixture.  She needs to gain about 3-4 pounds more.

Until tomorrow...

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