Tuesday, June 19, 2018


I went to the eye doctor this morning and I have an eye infection. I have two things going on:

Blepharitis is an inflamed and swollen eyelid.

Chalazion, pronounced sha-LAY-zee-on, is a cyst-like bump in the upper or lower eyelid caused by inflammation due to a blocked meibomian gland. It may look a bit like a stye. While a stye involves a bacterial infection from a blocked oil gland, a chalazion has no infectious element and may take much longer to resolve.

So I have antibiotics to take twice a day and a cream to put on my eye twice a day.  Plus hot compresses on my eye.

It hurts a lot when I blink or touch my eye. It is painful and itches on the inside by my nose. The doctor is worried and I have to go back to get checked to make sure it is getting better in two days.

I am just happy it is going to get better.

Until tomorrow...

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