Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Today is election day in many places across the country.  It is where I live.  The ballot is 4 double sided large pages.  I am not sure I have ever seen so many things to vote for.  It took me one hour to make my choices and to be honest, I didn't do a very good job of reviewing the issues. There were two things that I didn't understand and just skipped.  I felt I didn't know enough to vote on it. 

I used a very interesting method of voting in my crunch-time voting method.  I looked at who supported an issue and if I supported them, I was more apt to support the issue/person.  It didn't mean I would automatically vote for it, I would just look at it in a different light.  Then if I saw another person/organization that supported the issue, then I would probably vote for it.  I know not a good way to vote but there were local issues, state issues and people to vote for like judges.  How would I know if a person would make a good judge?  Anyway for this election with little time, this is the way I did it. 

Until tomorrow...

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