Wednesday, April 19, 2017


I went to see my primary care doctor today.  It was a follow up from when I went to the emergency room with the heart palpitations and from when I saw him with the tendon pain in my legs.

I had a long list of things that are bothering me.  He wanted to hear the list when I got there.  I told him that my elbow still hurts, my shoulder hurts, my hands hurt, my chest is tight and it is hard to breathe sometimes, I can't sleep from the pain.  He immediately said he is worried that my RA is going crazy and he wants me to get on some more aggressive medication.  I am happy about this because since I have been off the Enbrel, I have felt that my RA has gotten worse.  The Enbrel stopped the progression, that is what it does.  I have not taken Enbrel for one year and for the last 6 months I have been getting progressively worse.  Today I told my doctor that I feel like I am falling apart.  So many parts of my body are in pain, I just feel old and like I am falling apart.  The hardest part is that I am out of breath going up a flight of stairs which means I could get interstitial lung disease.  This can turn bad.  I could also have costochondritis (inflammation of the chest and rib cage) although it doesn't feel like it.

I also have a weird rash on my legs and a spot that I need to get checked by a dermatologist.

I am just a mess.  The doctor said I need to make an appointment with the RA doctor immediately.  I went to get blood tests done this afternoon.  I am also getting a heart monitor to wear for a week or two to see how my heart is doing after the emergency room visit.

I am sure everything will be okay.  I believe in being proactive and checking things before they become a big problem.  Maybe getting on a new medication will make me feel better and not so tired all the time.  Next week will give me answers.

Until tomorrow...

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