Monday, March 3, 2014


Well, I knew it would be coming. The crash. And burn. Let me explain.

In November I got an infection. I stayed on Enbrel while I took the antibiotics the first two times. I don't like to do it. I don't think the antibiotics work well when I stay on Enbrel.  I have been off Enbrel since my third round of antibiotics in January.  

Then I have had one thing after another happen. Getting sick, the holidays, getting ready for the party, working a lot of hours, etc. 

These two things are a recipe for a crash and burn. Today it happened. I could barely get out of bed today. I spent the day on the couch. I slept most of the day. My feet, arms, hands, back are all killing me.  Now I have a fever.  Oh, and I have a cold sore. 

It is time to slow down and take it easier. Once I stop having a fever I can get back on the Enbrel. 

Oh, today I got the bill from the physical therapy place. $231.44. I sent an appeal to The-Insurane-Company-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named to see if they can do something about it. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. Happy Birthday, Adrienne! Yes, I'm a bit late, silly goose that I am. I wondered what that party was meant to celebrate! (rolls eyes at herself) Anyway, I'm glad you had such a good time--and 50 is a big milestone. :o)

    And now... oh, my. I was afraid you were headed for a crash. I'm sorry you're feeling so rough. Fingers are crossed that you'll soon feel better. Stay warm, stay dry, and have a great week!

    1. I feel better today but my fever just won't go away. I just need to keep it up until after my taxes are completed.


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