Sunday, May 19, 2024


I got going early and, after a few errands, I got on the road to Bryce Canyon. I had 288 miles to drive. Google sent me through some beautiful landscapes. 

At lunch time, I got to Bryce Canyon. I started driving to outlooks. All the outlooks require some walking. I walked 12,000 steps. It was a quick stop and some time I want to come back. 

It is such a unique park. Amazing rocks everywhere. Every park is so different. These have hoodoos. In certain regions of western North America these rocky structures are called hoodoos. The name is derived from Hoodoo spirituality, in which certain natural forms are said to possess certain powers, but by the late 19th century, this spirituality became associated with bad luck.

After over 4 hours of driving, walking, and picture taking, I was tired and went to the campground. It was very nice and minutes outside of Bryce. 

Until tomorrow...

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