Friday, May 3, 2024


I tried to wake up early and get out of the campsite early. Well I was out by 9:15 a.m. 

First I went to get gas, then I went to the post office to mail some postcards, then I headed out east toward Tower Roosevelt. Because the road is closed off due to weather, there weren't that many people on the road and it was much more rural. I saw waterfall and the petrified tree. After I was done with that section I drove back down towards Old Faithful, so I could go to the grand prismatic spring and also upper geyser. I'm glad I drove all the way down there to just see those few things because the grand prasmatic spring really really beautiful. 
When I was trying to leave on the boardwalk, two bison walked onto the boardwalk. This meant they cannot walk back to the van. I had to wait for these two bison to change their mind and walk in a different direction. It took over 15 minutes. Meanwhile I was just standing there probably 20 ft from two bison. Bison are really huge and quite intimidating. They tend to stand there stare at you snort which makes you kind of afraid. So here I was with this other guy standing there and the bison kept coming closer and closer to us. Just staring us down snorting but not in an aggressive way. They were just being bison. 

And two more times while I was driving back to the campsite bison came up to the car. 
Once I got back to the camp, a sweet lady gave me some tablets for the toilet canister.

Until tomorrow...

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