Saturday, April 27, 2024


Today I slept in late. It's been weeks since I've been able to sleep late. I spent a little bit this morning organizing my bins because I haven't been able to find some things such as my scissors. So it feels a little bit better having things more organized. 

Right before lunch time I went down to the city of Hot Springs Idaho. Unfortunately, when I left the campsite I neglected to unhook the electric cord. I had pulled out of the campground driveway and was just entering the highway when a car came up next to me and started waving and screaming. That's when I realized the cord was dragging behind the RV. I quickly stopped the van and grabbed the cord. I then returned to the campsite and found my surge protector in the campground driveway. Lucky for me the cord detached from the post and not from the van. I think they're designed that way. I checked the post and it seemed fine. These surge protector tong bent a little bit but I was able to bend it back with my pliers. 

At that point I got on the road again to go to the hot springs. I was lucky I found a parking spot right away and went inside to soak in the hot spring. I tried the 105° pool and then the 106 to 110° pool. They were nice to soak in but they didn't seem as hot as everyone else was saying they were. Maybe it's because I'm used to soaking in a hot tub? 

After my hot tub experience, I was lucky enough to shower off with some soap. This was important because I did not have a shower the whole time I was in Crystal Springs because they do not have water. I only had a sponge bath while at Crystal Springs. 

After the hot tub I drove back to the campsite because it was starting to rain and I wanted to eat lunch. Sunny and I ate lunch together and then I took a walk around the entire campground. It really was a lovely campground with green grass, babbling brook and clearly designated sites. 

I had some time to kill so I wrote out some postcards, colored in my adult coloring book, and caught up on social media. 

I ate the leftover black bean pasta and Bolognese for dinner. 

Until tomorrow...

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