Sunday, July 28, 2024


No, I did not take chocolate hiking. Vivien and I woke up and decided to go for a hike. We went to a sort of local park, that I've only been to once, to do a two mile hike. It's a very cute park with a little lake and woods. Miss Vivian was having a grand old time sniffing everything along the path. She also met couple of little dogs that she got along with. The only dog she didn't like was the puppy who kept barking at her.

When we got home I started making candy again. I've been working on what goes inside the chocolate. Since it's vegan it's a little more complicated than just buying caramel and putting it in the chocolate. There are items like vegan heavy cream, aquafaba, coconut milk and coconut cream. How to make it vegan, sustainable and quick. That's what I'm tough to do. I think I'm almost there. 

Friend is having a birthday party this coming weekend and I volunteered to make a lentil salad. As soon as I agreed, I went on Instagram and there was this amazing lentil salad recipe. That is what I'm now going to make. 

Until tomorrow...

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