Friday, July 12, 2024


I woke up this morning and packed up for our trip camping. Unfortunately client called with a situation and I had to put the packing aside to handle it. Before we took off I had to take the bird over to the bird store to be boarded. My reservation got lost so I had to wait over a half an hour for them to clean out a bird cage so that Sunny would have somewhere to stay. In the end it turned out okay except that now I was leaving over a half an hour later than I anticipated and I would hit summer Friday traffic. 

We got the campsite around 2:00. It was a very uneventful drive down. The campsites wonderful the gentleman who owned It upgraded us to a nicer campsite. Miss Vivien butterfly and I unpacked everything, put up the tent and blew up the air mattress. We took a walk down to the river. By then it was time to bake dinner. I had brought vegan frozen bolognese and boiled some pasta. 

Until tomorrow...

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