Sunday, July 7, 2024


Miss Vivien Butterfly and drove to a park where we hiked. It was a three mile hike through a forest. Miss Vivien did much better on the trail this time even though she wanted to dive into the brush to catch some animal. But we saw other dogs on the trail and she was very good about wanting to be introduced. We ran into two women with a big dog who walked in us for a while. It was funny because Miss Vivien acted like the dog wasn't even there. Behaviorists say this is a good thing when they ignore each other. 

Miss Vivian had some things in her fur afterwards but with a quick review I could pick it off. There's mostly birds and just plant life. 

I did okay. I wore a sort of like girdle on my knee to  helps support my knee. I'm debating on whether calling the doctor or waiting to see if it gets better on its own. I've tweaked this name numerous times over the last 20 something years. Each time it bounces back. So I'm going to wait it out. 

It was a good day. I also got all my invoicing completed. 

Until tomorrow...

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