Monday, April 24, 2023


I did two things today: took Lucky to the vet and went to my RA doc. 

I took Lucky to get her feet checked. She has been licking them despite getting an allergy shot. They did a test and she has yeast on her feet. I guess the equivalent of athlete's foot maybe? Anyway it makes her uncomfortable and she is licking the fur off her feet. 

The vet also said she needs more fiber so I need to make her peanut butter/pumpkin cookies again. She loves them and they give her fiber. 

Then I went to see my RA doctor for a check in. There is not much to say. She wanted to know how the plaquenel was going and how I was feeling. We meet again in four months. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am so glad the paw thing is being worked on. I could never get the paw thing worked out with our cocker spaniels.


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