Thursday, April 6, 2023


 I spoke to the mold company and they argued with me about the missed spot. I held my own and they finally relented that it is possible that their staff missed it. They will come out on Tuesday and fix it. 

Today was a super busy morning. First I took Lucky to the vet to get her mouth checked. Her mouth was bloody on Monday and I was concerned. She is not bloody now but he did see some inflammation. He thinks it is her stomach so he gave me some antacids for dogs. Then she had a shot of allergy medicine to stop her from licking her feet and legs. Of course she got a pedicure. He also took some blood to check her levels. He thinks she is doing great for 14 years old. 

Then I had a video call with my gut doctor. It was quick and went well. Nothing to report. 

The handyman showed up in the middle of it all to install my timer for the backyard lights. Now I should have lights in my garden in the evening and then my security light at night. Then he hung my dart board! I bought myself a great birthday present. He hung the dart board in a way that I can take it down when necessary since it is on the back of a door. Then he put a line on the floor at the appropriate distance for dart throwing. I really need some practice. I threw some today and I am so out of practice. My dad had a dart board when we were growing up and I used to throw darts when I was at his house. After putting up the dart board, the handyman put some caulking around an area when I have been getting ants sneaking in. 

This evening I attended an online Toastmasters meeting. I promised an acquaintance that I would attend. It seems like a nice group of people but I don't think it is my thing. I can't memorize an entire speech. I am more of an off-the-cuff type of person. It did get me thinking of other groups I could join. 

It is late and I am tired. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. Oh i had no idea toastmasters has an online component. Hmm

    1. I think Toastmasters went virtual during the pandemic and the one near me has stayed hybrid because some of the members moved out of town during that time.


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