Sunday, April 16, 2023


 This month we read IQ by Joe Ide. I thought it was good but it had a lot of characters to keep track of and I didn't like that. IQ is the first of a series so I guess the characters will be used in the rest of the series. 

It was very funny that I got on the virtual book club meeting and there was a guy who used to live a floor above me in my old apartment. He didn't recognize me and I could not remember his name. Once I told him my name, he remembered that I (and my ex) used to watch sports and got a little loud on game day. Rooting for the teams, of course! 

I have been practicing darts. I see improvement. 

I moved my sandbags away from the front of my home and once again, I fell. I hit hard on my knee and elbow. Yes, these falls hurt but they are more humiliating than anything. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. ouch!! I am very nearly done with the James Madison biography. Next up is Garfield.


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