Tuesday, April 4, 2023


Last night I could barely sleep. The hip where I fell was in a lot of pain. I could only sleep on my back. 

This morning I received a message from my doctor about test results and I decided to mention that I was in pain from the fall. She had me come into her office that afternoon. She decided I needed x-rays of my hip and back. While I was there she me run a few other tests. She spoke to my RA doc about something that came up on my blood test and they decided it needed further investigation. She spoke to two neurologists and they wanted her to run another test. 

While I was at the lab, I had x-rays, drew blood and peed in a cup.  I already got the x-ray results back. I do not have a fracture. She thinks I tensed up when I fell and that is why my abdomen hurts. (Like whiplash) it is probably a bad bone bruise on my hip. I have been told to use a heating pad, take Advil, and an Epsom bath. 

My doctor is so funny. She calls herself my detective. 

The mold inspector came and tested. I passed. The guys are coming tomorrow to take down the plastic. 

I can't wait to go in the backyard! 

Until tomorrow...


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