Monday, August 13, 2012


This weekend I think I did too much.  Friday I had physical therapy (PT) and then walked my dogs around my double block.  Then Saturday I did some yard work and set the rat traps.  Sunday I went food shopping and cooked dinner (a lovely mushroom sauce with gnocchi).

Today I went to PT and could barely move.  My ankle hurt walking the block to PT.  The physical therapist had me do some stuff but spent a good bit of time rubbing my scar.  After PT I guess I felt better.  I went home and sat all day at my desk and walked the dogs at dinner time.  I don't have another PT appointment for almost two weeks.  It is up to me to do the exercises. 

I also got my results from the tests done last week.  My creatinine went from 1.2 to 1.1.  But some other stuff has gone crazy.  The life of a Crohn's patient!  I am going to get tested again in a month and see what happens then.  If it is still high I will get some sort of kidney test.

Until tomorrow...


  1. Oh, it's so easy to overdo it when you're recovering or just recovered from an injury, surgery or a flare, Adrienne! It never FEELS like too much when you're doing it--how can walking the dog and buying groceries be too much??--but often, it is.
    Wishing you the best as you do those exercises and slowly add activities to your days. And I do hope that they'll help you get the Crohn's under control. (I had no idea that Crohn's affected the kidneys!) Sending warm hugs your way.

  2. I see, you've been battling arthritis for over twenty years. I'm sorry about that. :( There are several ways to treat rheumatoid arthritis, Adrienne. Personally, physical therapy would be the best. It may loosen joint stiffness and relieve pain which could be a beneficial adjunctive therapy. Just make sure you always go to your regular checkups.

  3. Aww! 20 years? That’s really a long time! So how are you lately? Are you still taking PT sessions? Well, a lot of people really suffer from arthritis. The best thing you can do is to consult a physician so that you will be given the proper medication and treatment that is just right for you.


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