Friday, October 27, 2023


I really wish I had something exciting to write today but I had a work emergency that was supposed to take a few minutes turned into hours. I don't like it when work stuff takes up my day off. It makes me feel unbalanced because I was looking forward to that day to get things done.

I did go to acupuncture in the afternoon. I'm finding acupuncture to be very interesting. Many times when I go to acupuncture I get what I call jumpy legs. After she puts the little needles in me, which by the way do not hurt, sometimes different parts of my body get jumpy. But jumping I mean like a nerve is triggered. I haven't quite figured out if the jumpy is a good thing or a bad thing. Today my left leg, where I have the torn ligament, was very jumpy. My left arm, where I think I hit my elbow when I fell, was also jumpy. Next time I go I think I'll ask her if jumpy means good or jumpy means bad or jumpy means nothing.

Until tomorrow...


  1. Oh I hate it when my legs get like that. There is a medication that causes this sometimes when I have Rituxan . It is awful when it happens. One thing I do (this sounds crazy) is lay on my back with my legs up on a chair. It is a good stretch that makes the difference for me. Much to my infusion nurses consternation.

    1. Welcome back Rick. Thanks for the tip.


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